Chicago American
Monday February 25, 1935
[These Thomas Walker Articles in the Hearst press are completely fraudulent
propaganda and are included for academic purposes only .
Click Here for a personal hypothesis over
exactly whose propaganda?]
Peasants’ Crops Seized, They and Their
Animals Starve
Risks Life to Get Photographs Showing Starvation
STARVATION stalks through the Ukraine section of Soviet
Russia, leaving a ghastly trail of death and agony.
The Ukraine is the most fertile grain-producing district
in Russia.
The facts contained in the series of articles, of which
this is the firs, were obtained by Thomas Walker, an American newspaperman, now
resident in London, at the peril of his life.
When Mr. Walker entered Russia last spring he smuggled in
a camera.
While the photographs shown with these articles were
obtained under the most adverse and dangerous possible circumstances, the
evidence they present is more grim and graphic than words.
Noted Journalist and Traveler and Student of Russian
Affairs, Who for Several Years Has Toured the Union of Soviet Republics.
I have recently toured the Ukraine district of Soviet Russia,
where 6,000,000 peasants have perished from starvation in the past eighteen
months, due to the excessive tolls made on their crops by the Bolshevik
Last Winter, Red Army soldiers, under orders from Moscow,
took so much of the season’s crops from the peasants that they were unable to
feed themselves and their livestock through the Winter.
Photographs accompanying this series of articles were taken
at great risk and brought out of Russia in my pockets. Fortunately, I was not
searched. I threw away my camera before coming to the border, so as not to
arouse the suspicions of the Russian customs officials regarding photographs.
The Soviet travel regulations distinctly state all camera films are to be
developed within the U.S.S.R., and pictures detrimental to the Bolshevik cause
are destroyed and the owner of the films arrested
Meets Immigrants.
(Run Model Farm)
Starting from Moscow late in the Spring of 1934 on what was
advertised by the Intourist Travel Bureau as a complete tour of the Ukraine, we
first went to a large Collective Farm near Tambov. Honesty compels me to state
that this was indeed a model farm.
Conversation with the workers on this farm established the
facts that practically all these people were immigrant Communists from either
America, England or Germany, who had eve brought their farming implements with
them, at their own expense, from abroad.
At the railway station at Veronezh I asked a glib-tongued
Intourist guide why so many hundreds of persons were sleeping in the railway
station-why were they in rags, and why did they have such agonizing looks on
their faces.
To which he replied:
“They were sleeping in the railway station because they were
all workers from a factory near-by and are leaving today for their month’s
holiday in the Crimea, which also accounts for their old clothing, being on
holiday and having sat up all night so as not to miss the train, naturally they
looked tired”.
The look of agony and intense misery on all the faces of
these misery [sic] did not bespeak of any forthcoming holidays in the Crimea.
Questioning a few of these peasants convinced me that we tourists are being
shown only the rosy side of a very horrible condition.
I decided to leave the tour as planned by Intourist and start
one of my own devising.
Buying a ticket to Belgorod and traveling only with a small
bog Russian make so as not to attract attention, I arrived there early in the
morning. I set out to walk the six kilometers to the Collective Farm.
Peasants, Horses Starve
(Death on Highway)
About halfway out I came upon a party of three peasants and
three horses in varying stages of starvation (see photograph). One peasant had
the night previous. One horse had just died another laid down that was too weak
to get on its legs again.
These peasants stated that they had been at the Collective
Farm several days previous and had begged the officials for some wheat straw to
feed the horses and to be allowed to fill their water barrels. Both requests
were refused, and they were ordered away from the farm at the point of
These peasants told me they had raised enough grain the year
previous to more than supply the needs of themselves and their live stock, but
the Red soldiers had come under the auspices of the GPU, and requisitioned
practically all the harvest.
Two of the peasants were married and had children, who
perished by starvation during the year 1932-33. I left them as they started to
butcher the dead horse.
In this connection it may be interesting to state that over
tem million horses have perished in Soviet Russia since 1929. Most of these
animals had belonged to independent peasants.
Recently, however, trials have been held in Moscow and
Smolensk, attempting to fix the blame on the managers of certain Bolshevik stock
farms for the starvation of thousands of Russia’s prize horses.
Search for
(‘A Great Privilege’)
The collective farm near Belgorod is a concentration camp of
forced labor, and in these drastic times in this section it is deemed a
privilege to be a prisoner on this farm. Supervision on this farm is by red Army
soldiers, who carry loaded rifles and shoot to kill. They guard the planting,
growing, harvesting and storage of the grain.
As a great privilege, peasants were permitted to pick up the
grains of wheat that fell on the ground during the process of Spring sowing.
Food Hunter
(Red Bullets Fly)
Walking around this farm I came upon two peasant women who
were picking up grains of wheat after the manner of barnyard fowl under the most
dirty conditions imaginable (See photograph.)
They were distinctly forbidden to take any of the wheat that
was outside of certain limits.
A father and son had been busy picking up these grains of
wheat when apparently the father came too close to the prohibited territory to
suit a Red soldier and was promptly shot in the back by a guard without warning
and left to die where he fell. (See photograph).
Both father and son were employed on this farm at the time
Continued on Page 16, Column 6.
![holodomor 25](walker1.jpg)
PHOTO 1 (Top Left)
Like barnyard fowl, two peasant women garner kernels of grain
in sowing. They must do this to keep alive in a land of plenty – the Ukraine –
where 6,000,000 children. Women and men have died of starvation. The women were
permitted, as a great privilege, to pick the kernels.
PHOTO 2 (Top Right)
Russia’s beautiful thoroughbred horses, known the world over,
are used now in the agricultural districts. The animals, needed on every farm,
are dying off by the million of starvation. Tem million died in a few years.
Here one horse is dead; another is too weak to stand. Peasants begging food to
save their livestock were driven off by armed soldiers.
PHOTO 3 (Bottom - Middle)) Left)
In this article describing the enforced famine in the
Ukraine, Thomas Walker tells of finding this little Russian peasant boy standing
beside his dying father and weeping bitterly. The father had been shot for
approaching too closely to forbidden territory while the two were picking up
grains of wheat spilled on the ground. Now the boy must wander alone, almost
certainly to die.
PHOTO 4 (Bottom Right)
Death from starvation in a Soviet hay cart! Although he
worked on a community farm where food was plentiful, this peasant could not get
enough to eat to keep life in his body. Weary from his forced labor, he crawled
into this hay cart to find rest. His eyes closed-and never opened again.
(All Pictures Copyright, 1935, by American Newspapers, Inc.)
DIAGRAM 1 (Map -very bottom left)
The map shows the famine-stricken Ukraine district and
Tamboff and Veronezh, mentioned in Mr. Walker’s article.
To cross-reference these photos with Walker's articles for Hearst, please
To cross-reference these photos with Ammende's Muss Russland Hungern?,
To cross-reference these photos with those appearing in August 1934 in
The Daily Express, please CLICK
To cross-reference these photos with Ammende's Human Life In Russia,
Click here for a discussion hypothesis over
whether Walker was in fact a Soviet Patsy rather than a Hearst Stooge?